The Reason Jesus Hasn't Come Back Yet

Understanding God's Character

How do you think people commonly perceive God during times of trouble? How does this perception align with what we read in Joel 2:12-17?

Can you share a personal experience where you felt God's mercy or compassion? How did it affect your relationship with Him?

God's Timing and Patience

Have you ever experienced a time when you felt God was patiently waiting for you to turn to Him? How did this impact your understanding of God's character?

Why do you think God chooses to wait patiently for people to repent instead of immediately intervening?

Recognizing Signs of God's Presence

When was a time you felt God was speaking to you or guiding you through a situation? How did you recognize it was from Him?

How can we cultivate a greater awareness of God's presence and movements in our daily lives?

Genuine Repentance

In your opinion, what does it mean to genuinely repent and give our hearts to God? How does this differ from simply going through the motions of religious practices?

Can you think of a time when you experienced a true change of heart or transformation in your relationship with God? What led to that change?

Personal and Communal Response

How do you personally respond to times of difficulty or conviction in your relationship with God?

Are there specific actions or practices that help you draw closer to Him?

Identity in God

How does knowing that we are called God's chosen people impact how we view ourselves and our relationship with Him?

Can you share a time when you felt a deep sense of belonging or significance as a child of God? How did it shape your understanding of your identity?