Haunted House: Week Two

In the second week of the “Haunted House” series, Marriage & Family Therapist, Bonnie Reiff, shares some principals for having a healthy marriage & healthy close relationships in general (child/parent, coworkers, neighbors, etc). Bonnie starts out encouraging us to have a realistic vision of ourselves & not let our own negative thoughts of ourselves overpower who God says we are. How we see ourselves impacts how we interact with others. Secondly, we need to wear ‘grace glasses’ & look at others as Jesus does. When God sees us, the bible says we seem faultless to Him because His grace covers the multitude of our sins. It’s important for us to have grace with others, not just because God told us that’s how we can have grace given to us, but because it helps our relationships run more smoothly. Lastly, humility is the key to good relationships with others. If we cannot be humble, even when we were ‘right’ or the other person ‘wronged’ us, we won’t be a very nice person to be around, especially for those closest to us. Any close relationship is a give/take system, so the more humility you give when you’re right, the more you’ll be shown when you’re wrong.