Haunted House: Week Three

In the third week of the “Haunted House” series, Pastor Nate Gagne speaks about a story of a family that at first started out following God but became far from Him to their detriment & ultimate demise. In the book of 1 Samuel, Eli’s sons use their father’s position to their advantage & live dangerously; committing debauchery & theft. Eli does not correct them & actually benefits from their sins by partaking in the best offerings they steal from the altar. Pastor Nate points out Eli’s flaws; he didn’t discipline his sons, he didn’t differentiate their lifestyle from those of the unbelievers & he didn’t disciple them in the ways of the Lord. Unfortunately, the family was ultimately destroyed due to their sins. A once great man of God was disgraced & his legacy muddled. Parenting is one of the most difficult yet most important roles we can have in our lives. Our kids may act like monsters, but it’s important to lovingly correct them while they are still young enough to want to make the right decisions. There may come a day where they no longer heed your advice if your don’t act as you encourage them to act.